Wednesday, September 30, 2009

DealExtreme – online shop for gadgets

My friend Adi (he also writes here) recommended me an online store that you can but hundreds of gadgets for very very cheap price and free shipping!! Its name is DealExtreame.


Since then I made several transactions and I’m very happy about the stuff I received. And one of the best, at least for me is that you pay with PayPal. So you don’t need to give you credit card to this Hong-Kong based online shop.

Here are several items I bought:

2-in-1 LED + Pointer Flashlight 4 PACKS $4.78 2-in-1 LED + Pointer Flashlight 4 PACKS $4.78

This is the first item I bought. It is a nice led+laser keychain and I gave the other 3 to my family.
LED Headlamp 8 LED $5.21 LED Headlamp 8 LED $5.21

Where can you find such cheap Led Headlamp. I used it last when we went hiking and entered to unlighted cave. It gave very bright light.

picture from the cave 
Mini Lightsabre LED Keychain $1.76 Mini Lightsabre LED Keychain $1.76

I ordered this gadget in order to put it in my bag, so when I’m going to trek and I’ll to look for stuff at night in my bag I won’t have to use the flash light.

There are more stuff that I ordered but write about them next time. So if you are going to buy something, first check this site and then decide were to buy it.

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Flashlight keychains category
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