Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Firefox Add-ons – IE Tab

Even these days when the share of Internet Explorer is declining, there are sites that weren't built according standards, but were built, designed and tested specifically for Internet Explorer. I really hate those sites. If you are building a site don’t just limit your visitors to be IE users. Build it using the web standards and it will work for the modern browsers (IE 8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera).

IE Tab

For now there is a workaround for those sites that work only in IE. If you use Firefox there is add-on called IE Tab. When you visit a site that works well only in IE, just click on add-on IE icon and Firefox will change the current tab to IE that is embedded in Firefox.

IE Tab vs. Firefox

Same site in Firefox. Left displayed in IE Tab, right regularly.

Sites FilterSites Filter General SettingsGeneral Settings
Context MenuContext Menu External Application External Application

Get IE Tab
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